January 1, 2019
Finally! We’ve made it through winter. The trees and flowers are beginning to blossom, and our bodies are readjusting to the warmer days. It’s a time when many people sense a growing desire to exercise and boost their physical vitality.
Felix Klemme has developed some special exercises for JACK WOLFSKIN for a holistic body experience in the Outdoor Gym. They are effective and rich in variety, and they can be done with little effort, right outside your home. With a set of six exercises, one set each for women and men, Felix Klemme shows sporting beginners as well as professionals that an effective and bracing full-body workout doesn’t need large or expensive equipment. Further positive aspects include the experience of being out in nature, the increased intake of oxygen and the impact of natural light. JACK WOLFSKIN has developed the right outfits to ensure that nothing gets between you and your outdoor exercise. Comfortable, light and yet robust materials offer ideal breathability and conform to your every movement.
So, get up off the couch and head into the great outdoors.
Stabilises hip and ankle muscles, strengthens core muscles
Begin the exercise by standing on one leg, with the torso upright. Your other leg should not touch the ground during the exercise. Switch legs. Swing your leg forwards and up, touching the palm of your opposite hand, while keeping your torso upright and maintaining your balance.
Increase level of difficulty: Swing your leg faster, or perform the exercise with your eyes closed.
Strengthens shoulder muscles
Begin the exercise by standing upright, with your arms forming a 90-degree angle at the elbow. Now push your arms as far back behind you as possible. Repeatedly alternate the position of your arms.
Increase level of difficulty: Push your arms as far back as possible, and steadily increase the speed of the movement.
Strengthens legs, upper arms and torso stability
Stand upright, leaning back just slightly, holding a stone in front of you, with your elbows forming a 90-degree angle. Keeping your torso upright, lunge down, with one leg bent at a 90-degree angle behind you and the knee stopping just above the ground, and with the foot of your other leg planted flat on the ground before you. Switch legs.
Increase level of difficulty: Perform the exercise with a heavier stone. Close your eyes while performing the exercise.
Strengthens chest and shoulders and core muscles
Position yourself as for push-ups, but leaning on your forearms, with your elbows forming a 90-degree angle, torso extended, buttocks tucked in and legs extended. With one arm at a time, push yourself up from the forearm position to a traditional push-up position, and then back down again.
Strengthens the lower back muscles
Bend your torso forwards, parallel to the ground, with your lower back curved slightly inwards, your legs bent, and a stable footing. Extend your arms, then bend them, drawing a stone to your chest. Face the ground, keeping your torso upright.
Increase level of difficulty: Perform the exercise with a heavier stone.
Strengthening the core muscles
Position yourself with your hands and feet stably on the ground, buttocks just above the ground, and torso upright. Lift one arm from the ground and arch it over your body, lifting your pelvis away from the ground and turning your hip upwards. Face towards the side, parallel to the position of your body.
Increase level of difficulty: Lift your left leg from the ground when extending your left arm to the side.
Strengthens the rear shoulder muscles
Begin the exercise standing upright, with arms bent at a 90-degree angle, holding a stick over your head. Bend your forearms down, so that they are parallel to the ground. Your elbows should remain at a 90-degree angle with your torso.
Increase level of difficulty: Pull outwards on the stick throughout the exercise.
Strengthens the lower back muscles
Stand with knees slightly bent. Keep your torso upright, with your back curved slightly inwards and your arms stretched over your head, extending the upper body. Move your stretched arms down behind your body, while keeping your torso up-right. Your arms should remain stretched out as straight as possible during the entire exercise!
Increase level of difficulty: Quickly move your arms from over your head to behind your buttocks and back again, in a controlled manner, while keeping muscles tensed throughout.
Strengthens core muscles, legs and stability in hips and ankles
Begin in a lunge position. The foot in front of you should be planted firmly on the ground. The foot behind you begins with the toes touching the ground. Torso upright. With a fast and energetic movement, kick the rear leg forwards to meet the extended palm of the opposite hand.
Increase level of difficulty: The higher you position your hand, the more flexibility and stability is required.
Strengthens shoulders, stretches the rear thigh muscles, increases flexibility of spine and hips
Begin facing the ground, supporting yourself with arms and legs extended. Stretch out your torso, pushing its weight upwards and backwards. Now bend your extended arms and lower your forehead towards the ground.
Increase level of difficulty: Hold yourself in the lowest position for three seconds, then slowly push yourself back up into the starting position.
Strengthens back, shoulder and leg muscles
Begin in a lunge position, with the front leg bent at a 90-degree angle at the knee, and the knee of the rear leg positioned just above the ground. Your torso should be straight, with your arms extended over your head, holding a stick. Rotate your torso to the side, with your head moving parallel to your body and your view following the direction of the turn.
Increase level of difficulty: Keep your arms stretched and pull outwards on the stick. To exercise your balance: Close your eyes while performing the exercise.
Strengthens abdominal muscles
Position yourself as for push-ups, with your hands on the ground, straight down from your shoulders. Your torso should be extended, your buttocks braced and your toes touching the ground. Then bend your legs into a 90-degree angle at the knees, holding your knees just above the ground and supporting your legs on your toes. Keep your torso extended, with your back level and your face looking towards the ground.
Increase level of difficulty: Hold this position for three seconds and stretch one arm forwards.
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