You will find all body measurements for your size summarised in the size chart on the product detail page. There, you will also find more detailed product information and can even look up key article dimensions too.
To ensure the most accurate result, please take all measurements close to the body.
Height in cm
Measure your height barefoot from your crown to the soles of your feet. Doing this against a doorframe works the best.
Chest in cm
Measure horizontally around the body at the widest point of the chest.
Waist circumference in cm
The waist is measured at the smallest point of the torso.
Hip circumference in cm
Guide the measuring tape horizontally around the largest part of the bottom.
Inside leg length in cm
The verticle distance between the top of the inside leg and the floor.
Tip: clamp a large book between the legs, as high as possible, so that the top edge is horizontal to the floor, whilst a second person measures the distance between the floor and the upper edge of the book.
Arm length in cm
The arm length is measured from the sleeve head, along the outer edge of the elbow and down to the wrist. The elbow should be slightly angled.
We offer three different lengths: normal length, short length and long length.
To find the right length for you, please measure the vertical distance between the top of inside leg to the ground.
Tip: clamp a large book between the legs, as far up as possible, so that the top edge is horizontal to the floor, whilst a second person measures the distance between the floor and the upper edge of the book.
Normal length: Length = approx. 79 cm
Short length: Length = approx. 75 cm
Long length: Length = approx. 83 cm
Normal length: Length = approx. 83 cm
Short length: Length = approx. 78 cm
Long length: Length = approx. 88 cm
Do you have any other questions or do you need individual assistance?
If so, please get in contact with our customer service team:
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Size: {{productLineItem.product_size}}
Color: {{productLineItem.product_color.toLowerCase()}}
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