We fully understand if you would want to cancel your order in view of the long delivery times.
However, as the goods - depending on the date of your order - have already been shipped and cleared through customs, are already in the UK and will in any case be delivered to your address, we are unfortunately unable to cancel the order at this stage.
The quickest way to get a refund is to refuse to accept the goods upon delivery and give us a short notice. Of course you can also accept the goods and send them back later free of charge. A return label is enclosed with your package.
Do you have any other questions or do you need individual assistance?
If so, please get in contact with our customer service team:
Important note for shipping:
Orders made in this shop can only be shipped within the current country.
Stay on current shop site:
Shipping can only be provided within the current country.
Choose different shop:
Shipping can only be provided within the current country.
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