Of course, we always try our best to satisfy your wishes. Please understand that we reserve the right to proceed differently, if necessary, after reviewing your request.
For example, you may receive a refund instead of a replacement item because your desired item is no longer available in your size and/or colour.
Or we may repair an item sent in to us and return it, rather than replacing it with a new item: if the claims department finds that repair is still possible after checking your item, then we will of course perform a repair, rather than a replacement, in line with our values on sustainability. We will always conduct this process before sending a new article and having to destroy the old one.
If you are not satisfied with our solution to your complaint, then please contact our customer service team.
Do you have any other questions or do you need individual assistance?
If so, please get in contact with our customer service team:
Important note for shipping:
Orders made in this shop can only be shipped within the current country.
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Shipping can only be provided within the current country.
Choose different shop:
Shipping can only be provided within the current country.
{{productLineItem.product_displayed_name || productLineItem.product_name.toLowerCase()}}
Size: {{productLineItem.product_size}}
Color: {{productLineItem.product_color.toLowerCase()}}
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