Once you have received your order, you have 30 days in which to pay the invoice.
IMPORTANT: Please only use the payment information issued by Klarna, as payment of your invoice is recorded and attributed automatically to your invoice at Klarna. Alternatively, you can log into Klarna directly and pay your invoice in one click.
Do you need to pay several invoices? Please transfer the amounts separately and include the respective reference for each amount. This will ensure that your payment is assigned quickly to the correct invoice.
Do you have any other questions or do you need individual assistance?
If so, please get in contact with our customer service team:
Important note for shipping:
Orders made in this shop can only be shipped within the current country.
Stay on current shop site:
Shipping can only be provided within the current country.
Choose different shop:
Shipping can only be provided within the current country.
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Color: {{productLineItem.product_color.toLowerCase()}}
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